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Saturday 1 February 2014

Feeling Very Good and Proud of It

Hey people, long time no see!

I've said it before and I'll keep repeating it - I HAVE NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER OF TURNING INTO A HUMPTY DUMPTY - I don't care how many metabolic pathways are screwed-up because of menopause.

If its one thing I've learned on this journey into wrinklehood, its that our livers are under constant attack.

If you've lived in the West and eaten lots of processed foods, then your liver will be congested with tons of trans fats.  That fact alone sets the scene for some pretty catastrophic peri-menopause years.  On top of that, if alcohol crossed your lips and worse (much worse) than that, if you have regularly ingested paracetamol, then get ready for a bit of a liver crisis during menopause.  

First there is the high oestrogen status, which results in non-alcoholic fatty liver, so your liver increases (and increases) in size.  That is why most women turn into Humpty Dumpty, but are totally unaware of what all that oestrogen is doing to their livers.

As if that's not bad enough, methylation is suppressed by the hormone prolactin, which menopausal women are high in.  And guess what, reduced methylation also causes non-alcoholic fatty liver.  So the liver gets even larger...  

If that's not bad enough, low progesterone means inhibition of your Sphincter of Oddi, which means you produce less bile, which means you end up with gallstones clogging the liver, which also leads to fatty liver.

If you cannot make enough bile then you are inadvertently not getting all that you need out of your diet, this leads to poor absorption and ends up with all sorts of deficiencies, especially amino acids.  Remember, the liver is responsible for the manufacture of all 12 non-essential amino acids, that are synthesised from the other 8 that come to us via our food.  An under-performing, over-sized liver and struggling adrenals, combined with thyroid dysfunction (due to lack of iodine) makes for one hellava mess, wouldn't you agree?

Well, if that's not bad enough, you can also end up with very low levels of Thiamine (Vitamin B1), which happens to be destroyed by high oestrogen.

If that's not bad enough, menopausal women are classically low on Choline, which aids memory and also leads to fatty liver.

And so the list goes on...

So if your adrenals can keep up with pumping out 60% of your sex hormones, and your thyroid is still functioning reasonably well (which I doubt), considering it too is under stress of too much oestrogen.  At the very least what happens is that we get bigger and BIGGER and BIGGER waistlines, and eventually end up eating tiny morsels of food in an effort to reduce the ever-widening girth.

Does the image of a woman who is very hot, has an enormous waistline, thinning hair, poor nails, yellowing eyes, lacks concentration, has a swollen neck with enormous breasts and EATS NEXT TO NOTHING, remind you of anyone???

What a complete waste of time!

When I said I was determined not to turn into humpty dumpty, what I did after that was find out how on earth I could resuscitate my fatty liver into some kind of normality???

First thing I did was take sublingual METHYLCOBALAMIN, along with its co-factors B6 and B9.

After 3 weeks of taking those pills, I noticed my waistline reducing.  First I thought I was imagining things.  Then my clothes started to become loose.

To cut a long story short, I lost half a stone in weight in just 3 short weeks!  This was a result of taking proper B12 alone, as I was not dieting at the time.  This vital nutrient enabled my liver to let go of an enormous amount of fat that it was storing, presumably to cobble together some kind of B12 approximate?

Because up to then I had been taking the other form of B12, the wrong one, that's derived from cyanide!

After that, I knew I still had work to do on the liver and so started taking Apple Cider Vinegar with raw honey in a 1:1 ratio, because ACV is very good for the liver and it reduces cholesterol.  Naturally, my cholesterol reading is high, as you would expect after having a fatty liver for Goodness knows how long?

After that I started to take Choline.  Choline is required by the liver and is virtually a B vitamin.  Menopausal women are found to have only 2% of the dietary requirements for choline in their bodies.  Choline deficiency leads to kidney disease and wait for it.........fatty liver!

About 2 months of consuming all those liver-friendly substances, I decided to really push the boat out and did my first liver flush.  I've done 3 more since then.  They have all been fantastic at helping me to eliminate cholesterol bile- balls, called gallstones (I refer to them as mini 'pasta balls').

They honestly look like little (yellow) balls of pasta and I eliminated about 500 in total.  I felt so much better after that.  This procedure helps your liver to function better and enables you to digest your food better with the right amount of bile.  (Not everyone's gallstones are yellow, they can be green or red, depending on what you live on.)

The great thing was that after my first liver flush, I noticed my hot flashes stopped!  So you see, it doesn't matter what all those male doctors tell you, take it from me, hot flashes are heavily linked to liver congestion, as well as adrenal insufficiency.   

Also, after my first liver flush, I noticed I didn't need to take Progesterone Cream twice a day any more, and now continue to take it only once.

I don't have hot flashes anymore, but looking back, each time I did, it was because something else was wrong e.g. my adrenals were low or my liver was congested due to my gallbladder being full of 'pasta balls'.

Recently, I started taking Taurine too.  That's a very interesting amino acid, because apart from nourishing the retina of your eyeballs and being great for your heart (heart muscle contains more Taurine than any other amino acid), it helps you to make good quality bile salts.

Taurine is also destroyed in the liver by high oestrogen.

Do you see people, how high oestrogen status is synonymous with turning you into a humpty dumpty shape?

I also take Vitex Agnus Castus, which suppresses Prolactin and helps you to balance your hormones.

However, I don't intend to take Agnus Castus forever, because unfortunately it happens to raise Luteinising Hormone.  This is great if you're trying to conceive, but for older people, an increase in Luteinising Hormone is linked to Alzheimers Disease, which is obviously, pretty bad.

I currently have three aunts with Osteoporosis and so am very concerned to maintain my bone health.

For that purpose I occasionally take Ipriflavone and Strontium.  I take calcium once a day, 600mg, dissolved in lemon juice.  I'll speak more about bones another time.

If you'd like to know more about The Liver and Gallbladder Flush, I suggest you download this book:

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