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Tuesday 27 January 2015

Important Update

Hi everyone!

Its been such a long time.  As you can imagine, since zapping Candida and ending my migraines - once and for all!  I have had a ton of work to catch up with...

Well, since lots of people contact me via amazon patient-to-patient forum, kind of thing, I've decided to write a couple of books.  I was thinking about writing a book for a long time, especially since I cured my migraines.  But hearing that all the hospitals are full to capacity and emails are being sent round hospitals asking non-medical staff to help out with patient care, it made me all the more determined.  

I'm not sick anymore, and I would like to tell people what I did to make myself better, without the help of Big Pharma, excision surgery, or swimming with dolphins.

The first book will be specifically about 'Feeding Your Good Gut Bacteria' - and building your immunity as a result.

Basically, my Candida problem kept trying to come back, especially after stress (car blowing up, house flooding, tooth breaking in half and getting 3 abscesses etc, then the poor dog passing away) until I finally 'got with the programme' as they say, and introduced 2 important health drinks that have stabilised my health once and for all and have led to many benefits e.g. energy, stamina, concentration, sleep, mental outlook and appearance (hair, skin & nails).  

There is no point in anyone thinking these health drinks are sold in shops, because anything you buy ready-made is pastuerised.  Pastuerised means longer shelf life, but very little in the way of nutrients.  Sorry, but you have to make these drinks yourself.  

The idea behind feeding the good bacteria in your gut is by no means new and pro and pre-biotics are sold by the warehouse full every day.  However, I found that simply wasn't enough, and I'll explain why in the book.  

The book will explain why I took this route and how much it has helped me.

In short, I remain Candida free, my blood is alkalised and all the inflammatory pain I used to get is no more!

Plus, it makes your hair look great and your skin look radiant again.  So if you're 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80, you can actually look radiant again!  Reason is, if you clean your blood out with masses of oxygen, radiance is virtually guaranteed.

If you're pre-diabetic, with insulin resistance problems, that kind of thing, these drinks (especially one of them) will help with that too.  

If you're fully diabetic and you worry about the future.  All you need to understand is that diabetes means your blood is not carrying enough oxygen.  Introducing more oxygen into your blood, via food, is the best thing you can do.  Hopefully, it will give you enough energy to take more exercise, as supplying your body with even more oxygen should be a major concern.  

People stare at me a lot these days.  They also ask me repeatedly what I use on my hair and face?

My answer is, I hardly go to the hair dresser, I never wear foundation make-up and I spray very little serum type stuff on my hair.  So in short, its not what's happening on the OUTSIDE that's changing me for the better, ITS WHAT'S I EAT.

To cut a long story short, I eat about 32 different foods a day!  You read right.  

That seems like a lot, and it possibly suggests I'm now overweight or something?  ON THE CONTRARY!

I have actually lost weight over the last month or so!

First I thought I was imagining it?  But the fact is, that when you FEED the good bacteria in your gut, you derive MORE ENERGY from food, and hence you lay down less fat.

In fact, you can find dozens of videos on YouTube about how obesity is related to low gut flora, because we, as a species, cannot derive all the energy from food that we would like, without the help of 2 pounds of good bacteria.  

So my book will be short and to the point.  It will include 2 recipes (more to follow) for the basic health drinks.

I know that some people will still eat and drink exactly what they always have and hopefully make these drinks.  

But even those people, who don't essentially change their lives that much, will feel the benefit.  I console myself in knowing that even if they just drink these two health drinks occasionally, like every 2 weeks or so, at least they wont be as sick as they currently are.  Because once you start to feed the good bacteria, in ways they need to survive, they tend to stick around patiently waiting for more of the same.  They won't wait forever, but from what I can tell, they will exhibit a certain amount of patience.

The book will also be quite full of science, but put into plain English.  Because I think its a real shame that so much good advice regarding health and biology, is shrouded in mumbo-jumbo.  

If its one thing I will make it my business to do, in relation to scientific biological data, that is interpret the findings for a general audience.  A case in point is the organic compound TMAO.  I'm going to discuss that a lot in the conclusion of my book.  People are not going to glaze over when they read what I have to say about TMAO.  

The book will also be reasonably priced and have good pictures  - I love lots of pictures when discussing food!!!

Gotta go gente!

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